Graphic artist, painter, scene designer, stage designer, art historian. In 1904, he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Department of the St. Petersburg University. He studied painting at the Drawing School with the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, took private lessons from Vasily Denisov. Voinov worked in the genres of landscape and portrait, made book illustrations and book plates; he used the techniques of linoleum engraving, xylography, etching, and lithography. He was a member of several associations – Khudozhestvenno-artisticheskaya assotsiatsiya [the Association of Artists and Actors] (1912), Obschina khudozhnikov [the Artists Community] (1912-1929), Mir iskusstva [the World of Art] (1922, 1924), Shestnadtsat [Sixteen] (1922-1927), participated in many group and one-man exhibitions in Russia and abroad, e.g. “10 Years of Prints in the USSR” (1927), “Graphic Art in the USSR. 1917–1927” (1927), “10 Years of Russian Xylography” (1927), “The Art of Book Plates” (1928) in Leningrad. He taught at the Graphic Department of the Higher Art and Technical Institute/ Higher Art and Technical Studios (VHUTEMAS/ VHUTEIN) (1922-1924).
From 1910, he worked at the Prints and Drawings Section of the Hermitage, from 1922, was the Section’s chief custodian. In 1922, he went to work for the Graphic Art Section of the State Russian Museum where he started as a custodian and then became Section Manager. Voinov is the author of a number of papers on the history of Russian art and of studies on Boris Kustodiev and Konstantin Somov. During the Second World War (in the Soviet Union, the Great Patriotic War), he served in people’s militia (irregular army).