St. Petersburg in lithographs by Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva and Mstislav DobuzhinskySt. Petersburg was a favorite subject for artists of the World of Art, they turned to it constantly, as if confirming their commitment to the city. Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva in the series St. Petersburg (1922) and Mstislav Dobuzhinsky in St. Petersburg in 1921 (1923) interpreted this subject in tune with that time, each artist presenting very personal view and perception of the city.
Marc Chagall. Illustrations for Dead Souls by Nikolay Gogol
Marc Chagall had a long, fruitful and happy life in art, he belonged to those outstanding artists who do not fit within a definite style or artistic movement, neither belong to any national school, but create his own unique poetic style. Chagall worked in various fields of art - in painting, drawing, stained glass, sculpture and even tapestry. A very special and important area of his activity was book illustration. In nearly sixty years he created series of prints illustrating literary works My Life (1922-1923), Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol (1927), Fables of La Fontaine (1930), The Bible (1931-1939 , 1952-1956), etc.).125th anniversary of Vladimir FavorskyMarch 15, 2011 is the 125th anniversary of Vladimir Favorsky, outstanding artist, graphic, art theorist, and master of prints and book design.