
  • Aquatint

    from Italian acquatinta, made of acquaforte – etching and tinto – tinted, tonal) – etching printmaking technique; acid is applied to metal plate covered with granulated resin or asphalt; due to the gradation of acid exposure the tonal variation effect is produced.

  • Autolithograph or Original print

    lithograph made by the artist himself on all stages, from creating the design to executing  the print.

  • Avant-garde

    (French avant-garde – advance guard) – general name for new art movements and schools in Europe from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century (in Russia 1890- 1930). Avant-garde means pursuit of innovation, rejection of classic and traditional aesthetic experience, emphasis on experiment in art. Being ahead of mainstream,  avant-garde implements new unconventional approaches in creative activity. The most important representatives of the Russian avant-garde were Kasimir Malevich, David Burlyuk, Olga Rosanova, Alexey Kruchenykh, Lubov Popova, Alexandra Ekster, Natalia Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov.